The first balloon competition was held on June 1-4, 2000 on the initiative of Bogusia Nykiel-Ostrowska and Adam Gruszecki. Crews from Poland and abroad came to Krosno. The event was organized by: Skrzydlata Polska, Podkarpacki Aero Club and Aviation School.
Over the years, Krosno has become a mandatory date in the calendar for the best crews in the country and Central Europe. The competition in Krosno is a tradition. Residents cannot imagine the long May weekend without stately aircraft. The Foundation's cooperation with the Krosno City Hall, the Podkarpackie Aero Club, the Aviation School, the Regional Center for Borderland Cultures, and the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center make the city teem with life in the company of balloons. The core of the Polish team tries to participate in the competitions in Krosno. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of young pilots.